If you have been a patient at Foundry Orthopedics for a few injuries or just visited the office for the first time you most likely brought home a present from one of our doctors.
“A present she says, what is she nuts?”
Not a traditional present of sorts but something like crutches, a cane or a cast. Some of them may already be in the trash or some may be hiding in a closet or down in the basement. I want to you to take a minute and listen closely, they are calling out to you from that hiding spot. They want to have a new purpose and not because you are re-injured.
While browsing Facebook a while back I saw a picture that looked like a cute shelf in someone’s house. After I looked closer it was a pair of crutches upside down with boards across them to make a shelf. (see image below from Pintrest) It struck me, “why not share this adorable picture with our patients! I am sure most of them have a pair of crutches lying around dying to be used” (not for a new injury I repeat!)
So I scoured the Internet and here is what I came up with:
Vegetable Lattice, to protect your veggie’s as they grow
A fancy dining room table!
A lamp two ways! (Above and below)
Get really creative and make a crutch into an abstract shark!
Or decorate a cast like one of our original art casts done by our creative patients!
Use an old cane to keep you from falling down the stairs by making it into a handrail.
Anyone not feeling creative I also have another option, the athletic trainers at Foundry will take those gently used crutches off your hands for our student athletes who get hurt! Just bring them into to the office and drop them off at the physical therapy window. We appreciate your kindness!
All images found in Pintrest search