

Today I want to talk about something that most of us need a whole lot more of….SLEEP. Millions of Americans experience sleep disturbances at least once a week. Add pain to the mix, and it is a recipe for disaster. Consistently getting less than seven hours of sleep can put you at greater risk of developing a host of different diseases later in life. One question I am frequently asked is, “Why do I experience more pain at night?” Several factors may come into play. At the end of the day, our muscles are more fatigued, and our joints may be more swollen. Another thought is that we have less stimuli to distract us at night, causing us to focus more on the pain. Think of what you instinctively do if you bump your hand. Probably shake it or squeeze it, because movement momentarily distracts your brain from pain.

When pain makes it hard to get comfortable, it increases anxiety, preventing us from getting a restful night sleep. Lack of sleep can actually increase pain and decrease energy. Fatigue makes it more challenging to be active, which is very important in decreasing chronic pain. This will eventually affect your mood and your ability to cope with the pain. This is a vicious cycle. There are multiple hormones that play an important role in the healing process. When we get a restful night sleep, this balances our hormones. Continued lack of sleep can delay the healing process.

So how can we improve our sleep hygiene?
• Blue light from electronics can disrupt the sleep cycle. Try to avoid these for 30-60 minutes before you go to bed.
• Stay active during the day, and try to stick to a sleep schedule.
• Sleep in a cool, dark, environment (around 65 degrees).
• Ditch that 4 o’clock latte.
• Deep breathing can help to ease anxiety. Some may find meditation helpful.
• Invest in a high quality mattress and pillow.



There are also products sold specifically for sleeping with orthopedic issues. The key is improving your sleep environment, for a deep, and more restful sleep. The more you toss and turn, the more likely you will end up in an unfavorable position, and wake up from pain. If pain continues to cause sleep disturbance, consult with your doctor.
