What is Degenerative Joint Disease?



Degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis, is a condition that affects the cartilage of the joints. Inside your joints, a protective layer of cartilage cushions the bones and facilitates movement. Over time, this cartilage wears down due the natural aging process. Without sufficient cartilage, the bones of your joints rub together. This causes pain, stiffness, and inflammation that can hinder movement. Degenerative joint disease can affect any joint in the body, but most frequently affects the weight-bearing joints first. These include the spine, hips, and knees. The hands, wrists, elbows, neck, and ankles are also frequently affected by osteoarthritis. Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, its progression can be slowed and joint pain and stiffness minimized. Regular exercise, medication, and in some cases surgical intervention can preserve or restore pain-free movement to the joints.

At Blackstone Orthopedics, we provide a range of treatments for osteoarthritis, sports injuries, and more. Please call today at (800) 725-3037 to schedule a consultation with an Orthopedic Surgeon at one of our 8 locations, most convenient for you. Click through our blog to learn more about osteoarthritis and other common conditions that affect the joints.

  • Tags:
  • joint disease
  • osteoarthritis