Guide to a Healthy Summer:


June 20, 2020 marks the first day of summer! A change in season calls for warmer weather along with more body awareness to keep yourself healthy. This may include a change to your exercise routine, diet, or outdoor activities to accommodate for the heat.

Unfortunately, this summer may be more of a challenge to keep your body healthy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But don’t worry! This doesn’t mean your summer plans will be washed away. It simply means you will need to tune in to your body a little extra to keep yourself safe and to abide by COVID-19 precautions. Here are some health tips to make the best of this summer:

1. Hydration:
It is recommended you drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. From personal experience in the clinic, it’s apparent that some may forget to hydrate while wearing a mask. If you aren’t a fan of water, add some fruit into your drinks or diet to increase your water intake. Some examples of fruit with high water content include watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe, tomatoes, and oranges.

It is also important to consider a reduction of caffeine and alcohol intake throughout the summer. Drinking too much of these can cause dehydration. If you choose to keep these in your daily routine, be sure to refer back to the ideas above to balance out your body’s intake.

2. Protect yourself outside:
With COVID-19, it is likely you will have to wear a mask throughout the summer. Just because you are “covering your face” doesn’t mean you can skip the usual summer protection. Be sure to apply sunscreen often (every 3-4 hours), wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, and use a hat or umbrella as a source of shade.

3. Beat the heat:
The hottest hours of the day are generally between 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Avoid strenuous yard work or exercise outside during these peak hours. Keep note that common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion can include muscle cramps, fatigue, cool/clammy skin, dizziness, headaches, excessive sweating, and confusion.

4. Sweat out the Pandemic:
Exercise is a great way to improve not only your physical health but it also helps your mental health by reducing depression, anxiety, and negativity. Let’s face it, this year has been a roller coaster of emotions for most of us and exercise is a great way to cope. Consider outdoor activities, such as hiking, kayaking, an outdoor TikTok dance (yes, this counts too), a jog on the beach, swimming, or a walk in a less crowded establishment.


5. Eat healthy:
Enjoy fresh vegetables from the garden and other outdoor picking venues to help keep a balanced diet. As a reminder, fresh fruits are also important to increase your water intake!

To save a little money and to promote social distancing, consider take out options or packing your own lunch on trips. Choose lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and low calorie/low sugar desserts to balance your diet and to maintain energy levels on those hot summer days.


6. Travel/outdoor activities:
As you begin to travel locally, be sure to take your mask with you as restaurants and shops begin to open. It is encouraged to wear layers of clothing and lighter colors to reduce overheating. Consider bringing your own water, snacks, and hand sanitizer to avoid having to go into stores or restaurants on hotter days. If you choose to get together with friends or family, consider your outdoor options such as beaches or parks prior to meeting indoors.


7. Take care of others: 

Last but most certainly not least, be sure to check in on others. This particularly pertains to the elderly or individuals at risk for getting ill during the summer. A simple phone call can do the trick to abide by social distancing rules. Remember, we are all in this together!

Have a happy, safe & healthy summer!

NOTICE: MRI imaging at our Providence office is currently unavailable due to construction. We appreciate your patience as we work to improve your experience!