When your feet hurt your whole body is affected.
Luckily in the past couple of decades there has been great advances in shoe technology. It is also fairly easy to find a pedorthist ( C.Ped) or certified Orthopedic Shoe technician (O.S.T.) to assist in finding the right shoe type, obtain a custom fit and OTC orthotics if needed.
We all know the importance of a good fitting pair of shoes but did you know that no one lacing pattern is perfect for all feet? If fact changing the way you lace your shoes may greatly affect comfort and foot health depending on your foot type.
One foot issue that is common in women is a wide forefoot and a narrow heel. Using two separate laces with one at the top laced tight and one at the bottom laced loosely will improve shoe fit and prevent heel slippage.
Athletic shoes that have eyelets placed close to the shoe tongue and others recessed can accommodate both narrow and wide feet. By using the eyelets that are farther away the laces will pull the shoe sides up for narrow feet. Using only the close eyelets will allow more space in the shoe accommodating wider feet.
Skipping a set of eyelets in a crisscross pattern will take pressure off that section of the foot.
So the next time your feet are hurting consider the top support (laces) as well as the bottom of your shoes.


*Athletic shoes with a lot of eyelets will offer the most custom lace fit.
*Always re-lace your shoes after purchasing them. Stores use tight lacing that makes the shoes look good but can create toe pain and compression.
* Loosen the laces as you slip into the shoes to prevent breakdown of the backs of the shoes and strain on the eyelets.
* Shoes should be immediately comfortable and not need a break in period
* Your foot type may change with time, age, pregnancy or injury.
* Replace shoes frequently
* Take care of your feet, they carry you through life!
Below I am sharing "an oldie but a goodie” custom shoe lace guide from 2/3/1997 ADVANCE for Physical Therapists magazine that I have kept through the years. There are many other resources available on line.

