The Health Benefits of “Man’s Best Friend”



Dogs have been a companion to mankind for millennia and have demonstrated traits of loyalty, friendship, and unconditional love to their human counterparts. These traits are what earn them the title of “Man’s Best Friend” and could possibly make them your favorite member of the family. The impact your dog can make can be much more then just a companion at home. Studies have shown positive impacts on both your physical and mental health and in some studies even physiological response to interacting with dogs. These health benefits have been applied to medical fields and offices across the country with use of therapy dogs.

Harvard Health and the CDC have both recognized and acknowledged the various health benefits owning and interacting with a dog can have on an individual and their family.

Health Benefits of owning a Dog

  • Reduces the feelings loneliness and isolation
  • Lowers stress and anxiety through reducing blood pressure, heart rate and relaxes muscle tension
  • Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels
  • Aides in the recovery from psychological stresses and the effects of PTSD for service men and women
  • Dogs encourage us to MOVE, dog owners are four times more likely to meet daily physical activity guidelines than non-dog owners.
  • Improve mental health; pet interaction can improve the cognitive function of individuals with mental illness. Studies have also shown pet therapy to reduce agitation in seniors with dementia.

The Mayo clinic has instituted groups of therapy dogs that will visit residents of hospitals and waiting rooms with the program “Caring Canines.” This program is designed to help the patients through their medical issues and recovery along with brightening the mood of those visiting loved ones. As a Physical Therapist, my goal is to get my patient’s moving better following an injury or surgery. If a patient is struggling with their recovery or having a tough time, perhaps a visit from a four-legged friend could help to brighten their mood and speed recovery.

At Ortho Rhode Island our mission statement is to deliver the “The Best Patient Experience in our Industry”. With this idea in mind and considering the potential benefits of “Man’s Best Friend” you may one day see some of our own four-legged friends in our Facilities.

