“What is it like in the operating room?”


The above question happens to be one of the most common inquiries I have receive from my non-medical friends, family, and contemporaries. I often struggled to respond in a coherent and concise manner, until one day I replied with a rather simple but cogent response: “It is a microcosm of life.” There are moments of real insight and moments of levity. There are moments of frustration and moments of great triumph.

When people would press me further to explain, I found myself listing many of the expressions that my past mentors, senior surgeons, colleagues, and countless others have taught me throughout the years in the OR's sterile environment. Some of these words and life lessons were painfully taught during my past training at arguably some of the most stressful times. Others, more playful and humorous, continue to bring a smile to my face in the darkest hours. In an effort to better convey my message, I have compiled some of these thoughts below. The list continues to grow annually, and has included some of my experiences at Ortho Rhode Island over the last few years as well.  I now find myself reciting these similar thoughts to other surgeons and my own children alike. I hope you enjoy!

“Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves.”

“This is not a place for free thinking.”

“Teaching stops at 3pm.”

“If you don’t know this, what else don’t you know.”

“Don’t answer a question with a question.”

“Today is an opportunity to excel.”

“Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes. Nice job.”

“Measure twice cut once.”

“I am the captain of this ship!”

“You know how I know that? Years of experience.”

“Thing of beauty is a joy forever.”

“If plan A fails proceed immediately to Plan A.”

And most importantly: “Never leave the operating room unhappy. Never.”