Ortho Rhode Island Blog

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July 28, 2021 / Hand Therapy / Kevin Carey

The Psychological Effects of Hand Injuries

For many, a hand injury has more than just physical consequences. We use our hands for so many things during the day – cooking, taking care of family members, playing sports, going to work, making art, communicating, and….

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July 21, 2021 / Back Pain / Tracy Gannon

Lie Down and Fix Your Posture!

Everybody knows that good posture is important. Good posture is defined as sitting with our ear over our shoulder and our shoulder over our hip as if they were in a straight line…..

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July 13, 2021 / Exercise / Kayla Denis

Not So Fun In The Sun

Summer is officially in full swing, and many Rhode Islanders flock to their favorite beach, bay or lake for a little fun in the sun. Motorized water sports are a particular favorite in the area, including jet skiing, tubing and banana boats, water skiing and wakeboarding. The rush of wind and adrenaline unfortunately also comes with a high risk of injury.

According to the US Coast Guard, there were 4,186 recreational boating related accidents resulting in 2,559 total injuries in 2019 alone (1). The most common injuries reported are orthopedic in nature. Ankle sprains and fracture are commonly seen with water skiing as the skier is strapped in to the skis, while concussion and ACL injuries are most common with wakeboarding.

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July 8, 2021 / ACL / Anthony DeLuise

Return to Sport Following ACL Reconstruction

With names like Tom Brady, Joe Burrow, and Rob Gronkowski, ACL injuries have had their fair share of the spotlight from national sports media coverage over the past decade, and this NFL trio is not alone. ACL injuries are among the most common sports related injuries across both professional and youth sports alike, particularly in sports such as football and soccer. Often these injuries require surgical intervention followed by extensive physical therapy in order to return to sport. During this rehabilitation process, the two most frequent questions from my patients is (1) “When can I go back to playing?” and (2) “Can this happen again?”. 

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July 1, 2021 / Exercise / Christine Saleeba


I was standing in the clinic one day thinking about how I could create simple, easy to follow, reminders to give runners the best chance of running without interruption of an injury. S.M.A.R.T came to mind and this blog was created! This is…

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June 24, 2021 / Health / Jared Trouve

A Summer Treat: Low calorie, high protein cheesecake

Maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight does not mean giving up the foods you enjoy. Making small adjustments to recipes you are already familiar with by reducing the calorie content is an easy way to still eat “unhealthy” foods.  Over the years I have made adjustments to many of the foods I eat and still enjoy foods such as ice cream, pizza, pumpkin pie and my personal favorite, cheesecake.  At the end of the day, calories consumed vs calories burned will determine if you gain, lose or maintain your weight so by keeping the calories in this recipe low, you can enjoy this popular dessert even if you are on a diet. By replacing high fat cream cheese with the low fat option and forgoing sugar and butter, this cheesecake has a fraction of the calories of your typical recipe. While it is….

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June 17, 2021 / Interesting / Jeremy Fields

Selective Functional Movement Assessments

We make a point to schedule an appointment for a physical, eye exam, and two dental exams every year, but why don’t we take the time to get a physical therapy check-up? Why wait until we have an injury to go see our Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant? With Selective Functional Movement Assessments (SFMA), a PT or PTA can identify and target movement patterns that may lead to future injury.

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June 9, 2021 / Spine / Zach Hudson

Neck (Cervical) and Low back (Lumbar) Muscular Strains

       Soft tissue injuries are very common and are seen frequently throughout our practice. Obtaining a good history is essential in determining whether or not the symptoms are stemming from a muscular strain.  Some individuals present with specific injuries while others do not. Common injury mechanisms include whiplash secondary to motor vehicle accidents, improper form while weightlifting, lifting heavy objects, sleeping incorrectly, etc.

       There are a….

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June 2, 2021 / Joint Health / David Vegari

Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto

A raging debate has entered the orthopaedic hip and knee replacement world that draws the ire of many surgeons.  Total Joint Replacement with the assistance of a robot.  The discussion draws such visceral responses that I have personally witnessed surgeons walk out of rooms when the topic is broached.  The surgeons who embrace the traditional, or manual approach, to joint replacement will argue that they have great results and why should they compromise their outcomes to attempt a new technology.  The sentiment is certainly understandable: learning curve, time, cost, etc.  However, I…

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