Ortho Rhode Island Blog

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April 12, 2019 / ORI Blog / Orthopedics Rhode Island

INFOGRAPHIC: Making Every Minute Count with Ortho Rhode Island Express

Get back on your feet without the marathon wait. Ortho RI Express provides immediate, specialized care for orthopedic injuries without hours in the ER.

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Healthcare / Dr. Michael Bradley

Innovation and Orthopaedic Surgery

Orthopedics is a specialty that requires precision and engineering to be successful. Many of the surgeries we perform will have a huge impact on peoples’ lives and small increments of measure may make a huge difference. This industry has exploded with technology and innovation to help surgeons improve the outcomes for patients.

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April 9, 2019 / ORI Blog / Orthopedics Rhode Island

INFOGRAPHIC: Pitching Injury Guide

A good start can define your season. Ortho RI offers comprehensive orthopedic care to help ensure young players have a safe and healthy start to their careers.

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Nutrition / Orthopedics Rhode Island

Boost Bone and Joint Health with this Delicious Spring Recipe

We’ve all heard it – if it tastes good, it must not be good for you. But delicious meals can improve your health, too. Take this recipe for kale, walnut and apple salad, with pan-seared salmon and creamy balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Loaded with calcium, vitamin D, omega-3s and antioxidants, it’s a quick, easy and tasty […]

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Exercise / Dr. Anthony Deluise


It’s that time of year again! The days are longer, the temperatures are warmer, the PGA tour is entering championship season, and all of us amateur golfers are heading back out to the courses. After a long sedentary winter, many of us jump back out there without much preparation. Let’s learn a little from the pros and address our performance and skill set to prevent injury. Here are a few tips!

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April 1, 2019 / Ankle & Foot / Orthopedics Rhode Island

Ankle Sprain Breakdown

Prepare like a champ. Check out our own Dr. Tartaglione reviewing March’s most common injury: ankle sprains.

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March 30, 2019 / ORI Blog / Orthopedics Rhode Island

The Path to Injury Prevention for Obstacle Course Races

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Back Pain / Zach Hudson

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Back pain is something that many patients struggle with on a regular basis and determining the source of the pain can often be difficult. There are many overlapping clinical signs that patients present with and many potential causes for their pain.

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Health / Dr. Jeffrey Kozlik

Physical Therapy: An Alternative to Opioid Use; Part II- An Update.

Last April, I wrote about physical therapy as an alternative to opioid use for pain control in orthopedic care. In that post which can found here, I discussed the benefits of physical therapy for pain management and identified ways a physical therapist can help control pain and improve function without a reliance on prescription opioid use.

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