Interesting / Dr. Anthony Deluise
Outside of your Comfort Zone
About a year ago, I was asked to contribute to an op-ed for the ASSH (American Surgical Society for the Hand) email newsletter. The premise was “How I Do Things Differently” – compared to past experiences and training and now what I have learned over the years. Some of the topics were germane to hand surgery and one topic was something that is applicable to everyone, not just surgeons. I felt I could share this with our readers.
Continue ReadingMarch 8, 2019 / Joint Health / Orthopedics Rhode Island
Put Joint Pain to Bed
Continue ReadingAnkle & Foot / Dr. Eric Buchbaum
Healthy Feet for Spring Activities
Wear the right shoe and sock. Wear proper-fitting athletic shoes designed for the exercise or sport you are involved in as shoes have unique properties for specific activities. It is recommended to purchase shoes later in the day to allow proper fit after your feet have had a chance to swell which is normal throughout the day and with exercise. Shoes should also fit “out of the box”; the days of breaking in shoes has long past. Shoes that don’t support the…..
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