Back Pain / Dr. Anthony Deluise
Choosing the Right Surgeon
Choosing the right surgeon for your care can feel like a daunting process. And while reputation of the surgeon is an important factor, there are other things to consider before signing up for a surgery. Finding a doc who takes time to answer your questions and is comfortable with the idea of a second opinion are both good signs. Yet, even more important is finding a surgeon who wants to ensure that you have exhausted all non-operative options before considering surgery. Nowhere is this more important than when considering surgery for your spine.
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Hand Therapy / Dr. Anthony Deluise
Dupppeeeeeyyyy Whhhhaaaattttt?????
So you just left the doctor’s office and the physician told you that your hands have some kind of disease that you have never even heard of never-mind even pronounce. All you heard was the second part…disease. You are wondering….how? Why?? What is it?? What was that word he said? You have so many questions and when you get home you see the diagnosis as Dupuytrens Disease… pronounced as “du- pa- trens”. As a therapist, I found this to be the common reaction that people have told me when they first heard their diagnosis of Dupuytrens. I decided to write my blog this week to hopefully give some insight that may clear up some of these questions.
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Exercise / Dr. Anthony Deluise
Planks, Planks, Planks
… It is always an easy exercise prescription to tell an individual to just add planks to your work out program and you will get stronger. However, are people training the core correctly or just performing exercises that have been around for ages? You must see people at the gym performing sit-ups, seated trunk rotation machines and the typical 1 minute plank while talking to their buddy next to them. But are these the best exercises to perform to improve one’s core strength or endurance?
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