Exercise / Ortho Rhode Island
How Exercise Changes Your Life
While many of us find it difficult to get motivated to make it to the gym, exercise is important — and can improve our lives in a number of ways. We all know that exercise is essential for fitness and health — but did you know it can also boost your mood, and increase your […]
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Exercise / Ortho Rhode Island
Motivational Dialogues in Our Minds to Stay Fit
When it comes to getting fit and working out, it can be easy to get discouraged. When this happens, it’s good to pay attention to your self-talk, and watch out for any negative messages that you’re telling yourself. Messages like, “You can’t do this,” or, “That’s impossible,” can be especially damaging — and can cause […]
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Hip / Ken Furcolo
Femoroacetabular Impingement, also known as FAI, is a source of hip pain usually presenting in young to middle age adults not necessarily associated with an injury. It is caused by abnormal contact and joint wear between the femoral head and the acetabulum (ball and socket joint). The lining of the hip joint, like other synovial joints, is made of hyaline cartilage which is very smooth and limits wear forces in the hip joint. Femoroacetabular impingement can cause injury to the articular surface of the joint and can also lead to labral tearing.