Get Moving During Physical Fitness and Sports Month



May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. It’s time to get moving! Now that the weather has improved in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, try a few of these tips to fit more activity into your day and also get more out of your daily activities.

Find activities you like – There are many different activities that count as exercise such as walking, yoga, dancing, gardening, cycling, and playing basketball. Choose whatever makes you move and fits your self-identity. Do you see yourself biking comfortably to work, or wearing workout gear to the gym?

Space out your workout – It’s not necessary to do your whole exercise at one time. Doing 10 minutes in the morning, noon, and night can give you the same benefit as doing 30 minutes all at once.

Exercise with a friend – A workout partner can help you stay on track and motivate you to get out the door.

Keep a steady pace – Make your walk brisk since it may to control weight better versus walking at a leisurely pace. You can time your steps for one minute: 120 to 135 steps per minute is equal to a walking pace of 3 to 4 miles per hour, which is a good goal. If your strides aren’t that quick at first, pick up the pace for short bursts during your usual walk.

Sign up for a class – Check out the fitness center schedule at your local gym or community center. You may find out that a new activity or structure of a class helps keep you on track.

Combine your physical exercise with a downtime activity -- Combine your cardiovascular exercise with a sedentary activity that you already do. Use home equipment such as a treadmill while watching TV, reading, or returning phone calls. There are also mini exercises you can do right from your desk at work!

Reward yourself – Set short-term goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. Keep yourself motivated by targeting a specific event such as a road race or a walk-for-charity to participate in. Reward yourself with a healthy treat or purchase some new workout clothes to stay motivated.

For more suggestions on how to be active, contact Blackstone Orthopedics & Sports Medicine. Our physical therapists and specialists would be happy to assist you by providing you with knowledgeable health and fitness information. Visit our website or call (800) 725-3037 to schedule a consultation at any of our locations.

  • Tags:
  • Activities
  • fitness
  • moving
  • Physical Fitness Month