Knee pain is extremely common. In fact, it’s responsible for one-third of all doctor’s visits for muscle and bone pain. It’s especially common among athletes, with half of all athletes experiencing knee pain every year.
The causes of knee pain are varied, and can range from a sprain to a severe fracture, and everything in between.
When knee pain is moderate to severe and caused by an injury, or if it persists without letting up, it’s important to seek medical attention. If you’ve experienced a mild strain though, or pain due to arthritis, you can often manage the pain at home.
In most cases, you should follow the RICE method, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
Resting your leg is important to allow the injury site to heal properly. Avoid putting pressure on it, and refrain from participating in sports or other strenuous activities. In more severe injuries, you might also benefit from using crutches to get around while your leg heals.
Applying ice to the knee can help with the pain and swelling. You should apply ice as quickly as possible after sustaining an injury. Aim to apply ice three times a day for ten to twenty minutes at a time.
Wrapping your injured leg or knee tightly can also help with swelling and pain. Wrap it snugly, but not too tightly –you don’t want to cut off the circulation. If the wrapped area starts to tingle or becomes numb, it’s wrapped too tightly.
Elevating your leg when you are resting is another way to reduce swelling. You should aim to have your leg elevated above your heart for the most benefit.
If the pain persists or doesn’t improve after a few days you should see a physician.
If you are experiencing severe or persistent knee pain, it’s important to seek medical attention. For knee pain or a sports-related injury in RI, contact Blackstone Orthopedics for an appointment today.