When it comes to getting fit and working out, it can be easy to get discouraged.
When this happens, it’s good to pay attention to your self-talk, and watch out for any negative messages that you’re telling yourself. Messages like, “You can’t do this,” or, “That’s impossible,” can be especially damaging — and can cause you to feel like giving up altogether.
But the last thing that you’ll want is to undo all of your hard work. Instead, banish negative thoughts with positive reinforcement! Here are a few motivational dialogues that you can break out when things get tough — that will help to keep you going strong.
Sometimes all you need is a little reminder that you can do it. You know yourself best, and if you tell yourself that you can do something, there’s no reason to believe that you can’t. Give yourself some positive affirmation every once in a while, tell yourself that you can do it — and then do it!
Whether you’re running, jogging, swimming, or spinning, you’ll hit a point where you feel ready to give up — usually just before you reach the end. While you may be tempted to quit, telling yourself that’s it’s “just a little further” can spur you on to the end.
Finally, we all can use a little praise along the way, and who says you can’t encourage yourself? When you reach a particularly hard spot, give yourself a boost of confidence with a solid, “Great job!” or “Keep up the good work!” A little encouragement can go a long way.
If you feel like giving up, ditch the negative talk in favor of positive reinforcement. It may sound silly, but saying positive things can encourage you — and keep you going. Never underestimate the power of a positive word!
Blackstone Orthopedics provides sports medicine for Rhode Island. Visit our website to learn more about sports injuries — and injury prevention.
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