How Sport-Culture Influences Fitness Activity

  • March 23, 2016
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  • Sports
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  • Ortho Rhode Island

Ishutterstock_339500942n recent years, the popularity and influence of sports has grown tremendously.

According to one survey, Americans spend $10 billion on health and fitness products each year. We live in a world that appreciates sports and we want to do our best when it comes to the game.

One of the benefits of living in a sports culture is fitness. Since being fit and in shape can help you to perform sports at your best, it’s only natural that those who play sports will work had to maintain a strong, healthy body. This has a number of benefits that extend well beyond the sports arena, and into everyday health.


Any kind of exercise can build up your endurance. But in a competitive environment, this is especially the case. Playing competitively will encourage you and push you to do your best, which in turn increases your endurance.


Strength is an important part of sports. Keeping your body and muscles strong will help you to perform your best, so naturally those who are involved in sports will work hard to build up strength, and maintain a strong, healthy body.

Weight Maintenance

Playing sports helps with weight maintenance. Those who play sports are more likely to be in shape and maintain a healthy weight. Sports are also a great way to build up strength and muscle tone which in turn burns calories.

As you see, there are a number of great health and fitness benefits that come from playing sports. As we live in a sports culture, we’re surrounded by encouragement that helps us to get in shape, in order to play the best game possible. It’s a win-win situation!

Blackstone Orthopedics provides sports medicine for Rhode Island. Visit our website to learn more about sports injuries and injury prevention.  

This medical information is merely information – not advice. If users need medical advice, they should consult a doctor or other appropriate medical professional.
